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Ursella, She/Her

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Age: 20


A song lyric that describes me… 


A book I would recommend is… Homebody- Rupi Kaur


A movie that I would watch again and again… Breakfast at Tiffany’s


An issue I care about is… Social justice issues


Why RISE? RISE because I love their mission, I am passionate and want to make a change and I feel working with RISE can help me, and I’m hoping in the future I can work for them.

Unity, They/Them

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Age: 20   

A song lyric that describes me… So fill your heart with what’s important and be done with all the rest

A book I would recommend is… Anything written by Robin Hobb


A movie that I would watch again and again… Captain Marvel


An issue I care about is… Queer rights and racial equity


Why RISE? I want to connect to other young people with similar passions and learn how to be a more integral part of my community.

Clay Mykietowich, He/Him

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Age: 21        

A song lyric that describes me… Cotton candy floss, haunted houses ghosts, I wanna feed the ducks, I wanna eat some stones - Cavetown


A book I would recommend is… This Wound Is a World - Billy-Ray Belcourt

A movie that I would watch again and again…  Pokemon Heroes: The Movie  

An issue I care about is… Gender equality, sustainability and climate action, MMIWGT2S, etc.

Why RISE? I want to be able to work with others in my community to initiate change and inspire others around me. RISE gives us space to amplify our voices, build relationships, and learn in a safe and inclusive environment which I'm so grateful for!

Mercy Oluwafemi, She/Her

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Age: 25   

A song lyric that describes me… On Top of the World

A book I would recommend is… Untamed by Glennon Doyle

A movie that I would watch again and again…  The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

An issue I care about is… Poverty   

Why RISE? I want to be a part of a community of change makers. I see RISE has an opportunity to create LASTING change within my community in a post-pandemic world.

Jana Almosara, She/Her


Age: 21   

A song lyric that describes me… I'm manifesting the life of my dreams and I do believe

A book I would recommend is… Under a Painted Sky

A movie that I would watch again and again…Wild

An issue I care about is…  Advocating for mental health within communities that lack support

Why RISE? RISE gives the opportunity for youth to come together and create something meaningful for the community and that is something I'm very appreciative of. I hope to gain more connections with like-minded people and for RISE to open the door to many more civic -engagment projects in the future.

Coleen Moreno, She/Her

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Age: 23

A song lyric that describes me… You belong somewhere you feel free - Wildflowers by Tom Petty

A book I would recommend is…  A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab   

A movie that I would watch again and again… Lilo and Stitch

An issue I care about is… Access to education

Why RISE?  I joined RISE in the hopes of trying to be more involved in my community and to give back somehow. I have always wanted to be involved in community development but never really knew where to start. What drew me to this program is that it is youth led. I am interested in meeting like minded individuals who also want to make a difference in our community.

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